Il verbo irregolare TO STING

Sting come sostantivo assume molti significati per esempio: puntura, fitta, operazione sotto copertura oppure fregatura.
  • present: STING
  • past simple: STUNG
  • past participle: STUNG
  • Words can sting like anything, but silence breaks the heart.
  • Le parole possono colpire come non mai, ma il silenzio spezza il cuore.
  • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
  • Vola come una farfalla, pungi come un’ape.
  • I am very scared of wasps; my cousin was stung in the eye once
  • Sono molto spaventata dalle vespe; mio cugino è stato punto negli occhi una volta.

  • Present simple di TO STING
  • I sting
  • You sting
  • He stings
  • She stings
  • It stings
  • We sting
  • You sting
  • They sting
  • Present perfect di TO STING
  • I have stung
  • You have stung
  • He has stung
  • She has stung
  • It has stung
  • We have stung
  • You have stung
  • They have stung
  • Past simple di TO STING
  • I stung
  • You stung
  • He stung
  • She stung
  • It stung
  • We stung
  • You stung
  • They stung
  • Past perfect di TO STING
  • I had stung
  • You had stung
  • He had stung
  • She had stung
  • It had stung
  • We had stung
  • You had stung
  • They had stung
  • Present simple di TO STING forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Do I sting?
  • Do you sting?
  • Does he sting?
  • Does she sting?
  • Does it sting?
  • Do we sting?
  • Do you sting?
  • Do they sting?
  • Present perfect di TO STING forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Have I stung?
  • Have you stung?
  • Has he stung?
  • Has she stung?
  • Has it stung?
  • Have we stung?
  • Have you stung?
  • Have they stung?
  • Past simple di TO STING forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Did I sting?
  • Did you sting?
  • Did he sting?
  • Did she sting?
  • Did it sting?
  • Did we sting?
  • Did you sting?
  • Did they sting?
  • Past perfect di TO STING forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Had I stung?
  • Had you stung?
  • Had he stung?
  • Had she stung?
  • Had it stung?
  • Had we stung?
  • Had you stung?
  • Had they stung?
  • Present simple di TO STING forma NEGATIVA
  • I don't sting
  • You don't sting
  • He doesn't sting
  • She doesn't sting
  • It doesn't sting
  • We don't sting
  • You don't sting
  • They don't sting
  • Present perfect di TO STING forma NEGATIVA
  • I haven't stung
  • You haven't stung
  • He hasn't stung
  • She hasn't stung
  • It hasn't stung
  • We haven't stung
  • You haven't stung
  • They haven't stung
  • Past simple di TO STING forma NEGATIVA
  • I didn't sting
  • You didn't sting
  • He didn't sting
  • She didn't sting
  • It didn't sting
  • We didn't sting
  • You didn't sting
  • They didn't sting
  • Past perfect di TO STING forma NEGATIVA
  • I hadn't stung
  • You hadn't stung
  • He hadn't stung
  • She hadn't stung
  • It hadn't stung
  • We hadn't stung
  • You hadn't stung
  • They hadn't stung