Il verbo irregolare TO LIGHT

Light come sostantivo significa luce. Talvolta può indicare anche una lampada o una lampadina. Traffic Light è il termine utilizzato per indicare il semaforo. Light viene anche usato come aggettivo e significa leggero oppure chiaro, sfocato o anche debole.
  • present: LIGHT
  • past simple: LIT
  • past participle: LIT
  • traduzione in italiano: ILLUMINARE, ACCENDERE, DARE FUOCO.
  • She finally found the lamp to light the place
  • Alla fine lei ha trovato la lampada per illuminare il posto.
  • I want to light the lights of patriotism.
  • Voglio accendere le luci del patriottismo.
  • Essentially what photography is is life lit up
  • Essenzialmente ciò che è la fotografia è la vita illuminata.

  • Present simple di TO LIGHT
  • I light
  • You light
  • He lights
  • She lights
  • It lights
  • We light
  • You light
  • They light
  • Present perfect di TO LIGHT
  • I have lit
  • You have lit
  • He has lit
  • She has lit
  • It has lit
  • We have lit
  • You have lit
  • They have lit
  • Past simple di TO LIGHT
  • I lit
  • You lit
  • He lit
  • She lit
  • It lit
  • We lit
  • You lit
  • They lit
  • Past perfect di TO LIGHT
  • I had lit
  • You had lit
  • He had lit
  • She had lit
  • It had lit
  • We had lit
  • You had lit
  • They had lit
  • Present simple di TO LIGHT forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Do I light?
  • Do you light?
  • Does he light?
  • Does she light?
  • Does it light?
  • Do we light?
  • Do you light?
  • Do they light?
  • Present perfect di TO LIGHT forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Have I lit?
  • Have you lit?
  • Has he lit?
  • Has she lit?
  • Has it lit?
  • Have we lit?
  • Have you lit?
  • Have they lit?
  • Past simple di TO LIGHT forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Did I light?
  • Did you light?
  • Did he light?
  • Did she light?
  • Did it light?
  • Did we light?
  • Did you light?
  • Did they light?
  • Past perfect di TO LIGHT forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Had I lit?
  • Had you lit?
  • Had he lit?
  • Had she lit?
  • Had it lit?
  • Had we lit?
  • Had you lit?
  • Had they lit?
  • Present simple di TO LIGHT forma NEGATIVA
  • I don't light
  • You don't light
  • He doesn't light
  • She doesn't light
  • It doesn't light
  • We don't light
  • You don't light
  • They don't light
  • Present perfect di TO LIGHT forma NEGATIVA
  • I haven't lit
  • You haven't lit
  • He hasn't lit
  • She hasn't lit
  • It hasn't lit
  • We haven't lit
  • You haven't lit
  • They haven't lit
  • Past simple di TO LIGHT forma NEGATIVA
  • I didn't light
  • You didn't light
  • He didn't light
  • She didn't light
  • It didn't light
  • We didn't light
  • You didn't light
  • They didn't light
  • Past perfect di TO LIGHT forma NEGATIVA
  • I hadn't lit
  • You hadn't lit
  • He hadn't lit
  • She hadn't lit
  • It hadn't lit
  • We hadn't lit
  • You hadn't lit
  • They hadn't lit