Il verbo irregolare TO GET

  • present: GET
  • past simple: GOT
  • past participle: GOT
  • Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want.
  • Continua a lavorare sodo e potrai ottenere tutto quello che vuoi.
  • Don’t hate me, but I’ve always been skinny. I got lucky.
  • Non odiatemi ma sono sempre stata magra. Sono stata fortunata.
  • You give before you get.
  • Devi dare prima di ottenere.

  • Present simple di TO GET
  • I get
  • You get
  • He gets
  • She gets
  • It gets
  • We get
  • You get
  • They get
  • Present perfect di TO GET
  • I have got
  • You have got
  • He has got
  • She has got
  • It has got
  • We have got
  • You have got
  • They have got
  • Past simple di TO GET
  • I got
  • You got
  • He got
  • She got
  • It got
  • We got
  • You got
  • They got
  • Past perfect di TO GET
  • I had got
  • You had got
  • He had got
  • She had got
  • It had got
  • We had got
  • You had got
  • They had got
  • Present simple di TO GET forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Do I get?
  • Do you get?
  • Does he get?
  • Does she get?
  • Does it get?
  • Do we get?
  • Do you get?
  • Do they get?
  • Present perfect di TO GET forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Have I got?
  • Have you got?
  • Has he got?
  • Has she got?
  • Has it got?
  • Have we got?
  • Have you got?
  • Have they got?
  • Past simple di TO GET forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Did I get?
  • Did you get?
  • Did he get?
  • Did she get?
  • Did it get?
  • Did we get?
  • Did you get?
  • Did they get?
  • Past perfect di TO GET forma INTERROGATIVA
  • Had I got?
  • Had you got?
  • Had he got?
  • Had she got?
  • Had it got?
  • Had we got?
  • Had you got?
  • Had they got?
  • Present simple di TO GET forma NEGATIVA
  • I don't get
  • You don't get
  • He doesn't get
  • She doesn't get
  • It doesn't get
  • We don't get
  • You don't get
  • They don't get
  • Present perfect di TO GET forma NEGATIVA
  • I haven't got
  • You haven't got
  • He hasn't got
  • She hasn't got
  • It hasn't got
  • We haven't got
  • You haven't got
  • They haven't got
  • Past simple di TO GET forma NEGATIVA
  • I didn't get
  • You didn't get
  • He didn't get
  • She didn't get
  • It didn't get
  • We didn't get
  • You didn't get
  • They didn't get
  • Past perfect di TO GET forma NEGATIVA
  • I hadn't got
  • You hadn't got
  • He hadn't got
  • She hadn't got
  • It hadn't got
  • We hadn't got
  • You hadn't got
  • They hadn't got