Leggi questo dialogo tra Amanda, il capo e il suo collega David. Riempi gli spazi con i verbi proposti fra parentesi al PRESENT CONTINUOUS.
Amanda: David, can you come in here please? // David: Yes, Amanda? // Amanda: What (do) on the Carson deal at the moment? // David: Many things. I (collect) a list of fax numbers and e-mail addresses and I (send) important documents to the others on the Carson team. // Amanda: It's not enough. Things (move) too slowly on the deal. I want everybody working on this. I (work) on this every day until midnight. Even my doctor husband (help) me and I (sleep) only five hours a night. I'm exhausted! // David: I'm sorry, Amanda. It's true everything (happen) too slowly. What do you want me to tell the others on the team? // Amanda: What (everyone/do) now? // David: Well, Mary (prepare) a brochure, Charlie (do) the financial side and Kate (update) the website. // Amanda: You need to do more, David. We can meet next week and see if things are better.