ESERCIZIO NUM: 778 - CATEGORIA: verbi > past-simple - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Indica quale verbo tra quelli proposti (coniugato al PAST SIMPLE) è corretto per completare le seguenti frasi(10):

1. After coming home, we ______ our bags on the table. - putted - putten - put // 2. Last week I ______ two books. - readed - read - rode // 3. He ______ the door bell four times. - rang - ringed - ring // 4. The moon ______ at 10:00 pm yesterday. - rose - rise - rised // 5. We ______ too much money at the store. - spended - spented - spent // 6. The actress ______ a beautiful dress. - wore - wear - weared // 7. The horse ______ the water. - drunk - drank - drinked // 8. Last month I ______ a horse for the first time. - ridden - rode - rided // 9. Jim ______ the carpet. - beated - beaten - beat // 10. The sun ______ at 8:00 pm today. - setted - sit - set