ESERCIZIO NUM: 667 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > articoli - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli l'ARTICOLO corretto per ogni frase e spiega perchè hai scelto quello(01):

1 I work at the zoo. It's my job to feed (the/a) crocodiles. / 2 Let's go to (the/a) zoo tomorrow. / 3 I love to watch videos on (a/the) internet. / 4 Please give this box to (The/-) Peter. / 5 I got into trouble with (a/the) headmaster. / 6 (A/The) scariest movie I have ever seen was The Ring. / 7 This is (The/-) longest bridge in the world. / 8 Look! (The/A) sun is shining. / 9 Look! It's (the/a) rainbow. / 10 We should call (a/the) police.