ESERCIZIO NUM: 626 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > aggettivi - DIFFICOLTA':
Gli AGGETTIVI in queste frasi sono nell'ordine corretto o no? Scrivi Y (yes) o N (no).
1. My father has a big black cat. --- 2. Your uncle is a mean silly old fool. --- 3. The Highlands of Scotland is a mountainous beautiful area. --- 4. She was wearing a silk red wonderful dress at the party. --- 5. Bring that black art pen over to me please. --- 6. He used to play a red blues electric guitar. --- 7. The Spaniel is an intelligent hunting dog. --- 8. Rimini is an expensive ugly tourist town in Italy. --- 9. He still drives that strange blue wooden car around. --- 10 How many of those Swiss old banknotes do you have?