ESERCIZIO NUM: 560 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-misti to-be - DIFFICOLTA':
YOUR o YOU'RE? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi (02):
Did _____ ball roll under the bed? -- Sam said _____ a fast runner. -- Tell mom _____ too sick to go outside. -- Where is _____ homework? -- Where are _____ mittens? It’s cold outside. -- Tell me when _____ going to dance class. -- We can’t believe _____ changing schools. -- Where is _____ sister? -- _____ such a great friend. -- Does _____ mom work? -- Tell _____ father _____ sick. -- Tell me what _____ learning at school. -- Bring _____ brother with you to the park. -- Eat _____ vegetables first, then you get _____ dessert.