ESERCIZIO NUM: 555 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-misti to-be - DIFFICOLTA': ***

ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(03):

The cat licked ____ paw. -- The hamster is so cute. What’s ____ name? -- ____ going to rain tomorrow. -- My toy is not in ____ box. Where could it be? -- ____ time to give the dog its dinner. -- ____ a good idea to put on your helmet when you ride your bike. -- The spacecraft fired ____ rockets. -- ____ Summer and the sun is shining. -- The kitten has stripes down ____ back. -- ____ a nice day. Let’s go to the beach. -- ____ my lucky day! -- The cup of tea sits on _____ saucer. -- Time to get up; ____ time for school! -- The bear protected ____ cubs