ESERCIZIO NUM: 553 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-misti to-be - DIFFICOLTA':
ITS o IT's? scegli l'alternativa corretta e completa le seguenti frasi(01):
____ beginning to snow. -- ____ very nice to see you this morning. -- The frog holds the fly on ____ tongue. -- ____ hard to balance on a high beam. -- The flower has a ladybird climbing up ____stem. -- Who knew ____ legs would grow so much? -- ____ late and I’m tired. -- ____ going to be cold tomorrow. -- Have you seen my book? ____ not on ____ shelf. -- That hat looks nice on you. ____ a lovely color. -- ____ the last night of summer camp. -- I think ____ great that you wrote a story. -- ____ cool in the shade under the tree. -- The frog jumped back into ____ pond.