ESERCIZIO NUM: 522 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Riempi gli spazi vuoti utilizzando i pronomi THEY, THEM, THEIR, THEIRS, THEMSELVES:
1. ____ will discuss the problem with you tomorrow. -- 2. I didn’t hire these DVDs – the twins borrowed them ____. -- 3. Please pop ____ in the post box on your way home. -- 4. The birds on the bird table are feeding ____. -- 5. They’ve taken ____ brother to the beach for the day. -- 6. ____ didn’t allow Jamie to use the photocopier. -- 7. Annie and Charlie were watching ____ favourite programme. -- 8. I saw ____ coming out of the cinema. -- 9. I thought ____ had never eaten Italian food before. -- 10. Can you remember whether these books are ____? -- 11. I disagreed with ____. -- 12. The horses were prancing in ____ field. -- 13. This is our pie; I’ve left ____ over there. -- 14. Our bosses put together the training programme ____. -- 15. The fault was entirely __, because they failed to buy a parking permit.