ESERCIZIO NUM: 312 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > preposizioni giorni-mesi-stagioni - DIFFICOLTA': ***

ON, IN oppure AT? scegli la giusta preposizione(02).

1 My family and I always go to my grandparents’ house on/in summer days. -- 2 Unfortunately we are plucking the grape in/on the next season this year. -- 3 Is your birthday in/at summer? -- 4 Yes, it’s on/in August. -- 5 and this year it’s on/at Sunday! -- 6 Please call Mike and ask him if he is available for a visit in/on Monday. -- 7 I have a visit to the dentist on/at Friday. -- 8 Laura lives at/in italy with her family -- 9 The exam is at/on Thursday morning. -- 10 Gianni lives in/on 54 Baker Street