ESERCIZIO NUM: 311 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > preposizioni giorni-mesi-stagioni - DIFFICOLTA': ***

ON, IN oppure AT? scegli la giusta preposizione(01).

1 My family has got a house near the seaside. We live there on/in summer. -- 2 I have a visit to the dentist on/at Wednesday. -- 3 The park is open every weekends at/on Saturday and Sunday -- 4 On/at spring. -- 5 Will you wear a mask at/on Shrove Tuesday? -- 6 The forecast just reported that the temperature will fall by 10 degrees at/in February. -- 7 When is your birthday? It is on/in 11th June. -- 8 The restaurant is on/in Smith Street. -- 9 Genia lives at/in Times Square. -- 10 I will meet you at/on the club house