Completa l'esercizio inserendo i verbi opportuni coniugati al CONDIZIONALE:
1) I ______ even ___ (be) trying to get with her if I _____ (not think) she was right for me.
2) If the exam _______ (not be) so difficult, I ______ (take) a better grade.
3) She ______ (be) mortified if she _____ (hear) what her boss was saying behind her back.
4) If you ____ (know) it was going to rain, I bet you ___even___ (not consider) hiking with us.
5) You're such a liar! No wonder she ______ (not listen) to you even if you ______ (tell) the most undeniable truth.
Esercizio ideato da Letizia Chiodini