ESERCIZIO NUM: 3016 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-intermediate - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Leggi il seguente brano sulla piramide alimentare e poi completa le frasi in modo corretto aiutandoti con l'immagine ed inserendo: BALANCED, EAT, HEALTY, MIXTURE, NUTRIENTS, PHYSICAL.

If you want to stay...... it is important for you to eat well and do........ exercise. "Eat well" means having a......... diet. A diet is the food we eat. Food has three important functions in our body: it gives us energy, it helps us grow, it keeps us healthy. That is why experts say that "We are what we........". A balanced diet is a......... of five man food groups. The food pyramid below shows the five food groups and the......... they contain.

esercizio numero 3016