ESERCIZIO NUM: 2985 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-intermediate - DIFFICOLTA':
Leggi i racconti di Letizia e Alberto e rispondi alle domande al termine.
LETIZIA: This year has been very difficult for me but it has been fun too. My dad is a martial arts instructor and we moved to China in March. I have never lived in a non-English speaking country before. I have made some new friends. I have learnt how to speak Chinese but I haven't learnt how to write properly. My mum has learnt how to make amazing Chinese food. My dad is really happy. He has never been to China before. He hasn't learnt how to speak Chinese or cook but he has learnt some new training techniques. ALBERTO: I've had a great year! I started a new school in September and I joined the football team. I love it. I have never been in a team before. I have always done individual sports like swimming or running. I haven't scored any goals for my team but I have become better at playing in defence. I have played in a lot of matches and I have made lots of new friends too. My mum and sister have been to every match but my dad works on Saturdays. He hasn't seen me play live but he has watched the videos my mum makes. He has promised to take a day's holiday from work and come to the championship in May. I have never played in a championship before. I'm a bit nervous, but excited too!
1) Where have Letizia and her family moved to this year? 2) Has Letizia made any new friends? 3) What has Letizia's dad learnt? 4) What type of sports has Alberto always done? 5) What has he become better at? 6) Who hasn't seen him play? 7) Has he ever played in a championship before? 8) Would you like to move to another country? 9) Have you ever played in a championship?