ESERCIZIO NUM: 2958 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > luoghi-citta - DIFFICOLTA': **

Osserva l'immagine e completa le frasi con i nomi geografici corretti.

1 A .... is an area of fresh water (acqua dolce) completely surrounded by land. 2 A .... is a natural walking way for trekkers in the mountains. 3 A .... is a rock formation which is usually higher than 600 metres. 4 A .... is the top of a mountain. 5 A .... is similar to a mountain, but it isn't as high. 6 A .... is a formation of permanent ice near a mountain summit. 7 .... are high rocky formations which meet the sea. 8 A .... is an area densely covered with trees. g An .... is a mass of land surrounded by water.

esercizio numero 2958