ESERCIZIO NUM: 2855 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > comprensione-advanced - DIFFICOLTA':
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The National Literacy Trust has just published a survey into the reading habits of nearly 35,000 eight-to-sixteen-year-olds. The results show that most young people prefer reading on a computer screen rather than a printed book or magazine: 52% prefer reading on screen compared with 32% who prefer print. The remaining 16% don't have an opinion or prefer not to read at all. About a third of young people read fiction on online devices and e-readers. But there has not been a complete shift to reading on screen yet. With regard to novels in particular, 53% still prefer the printed form. More girls than boys read printed books. Books have existed in Europe since 1453, when Johannes Gutenberg produced the Gutenberg Bible: the first European book. The Trust director said: 'Technology has brought further reading opportunities to young people, but it's crucial that reading in print continues! What do teenagers like reading? The most popular books are adventure stories and young adult fiction. Teenagers love identifying with the protagonists. Girls in particular enjoy detective stories and love stories, while boys prefer science fiction and fantasy. Why is reading important? First of all, it improves our concentration, imagination and intellectual development. Children who read for pleasure do better at school. Secondly, it relaxes the body and calms the mind. Looking at a computer or playing an electronic game are actually quite stressful for our brains. When we read, we read in silence and the black print on a white page is much less stressful for our eyes and brains. Finally, reading is fun!
Unisci ogni frase identificata da un numero con una delle frasi identificate da una lettera: a: Types of books. b: Screen-agers. c: The benefits of reading. d: Traditional books. 1) The percentage of young people who prefer reading on a screen. 2) The publication of the first European book. 3) The number of young people who took part in the survey. 4) The percentage of young people who prefer print.
Indica se le seguenti affermazioni sono VERE O FALSE: 1 The survey shows that reading on a screen is more popular than reading print. 2 About 33% of young people read fiction on electronic devices. 3 Girls prefer reading on electronic devices. 4 The first European book appeared in the 14th century. 5 Boys in particular like fantasy and love stories. 6 Reading helps people to relax.
Rispondi alle seguenti domande: 1 What has technology brought to young people? 2 What does The Trust director say about reading in print? 3 Why do teenagers like reading adventure stories and young adult fiction? 4 Which type of children do better at school? 5 What benefits does print reading have on our bodies?