ESERCIZIO NUM: 2794 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > avverbi - DIFFICOLTA': ***

Completa i seguenti minidialoghi con EVER oppure NEVER.

1 A: Have you....been to Australia? B: No, I haven't. I've....been on holiday outside the UK. 2 A: Have you ....tried hang gliding? B: No, I've....done any extreme sports. 3 A: Has Nicola....been rock climbing with you? B: No,..... She's scared of heights. 4 A: Have your parents....taken you to a motocross rally? B: No, they haven't. They've....been either. 5 A: Has the bungee rope....broken? B: No, of course not. We have....had any accidents. 6 A: Have you....had a dog? B: No, I haven't. I have....had a dog. 7 A: Have you....met a famous person? B: No, we haven't. We have....met anyone famous. 8 A: Has Maria....swum with sharks? B: No, of course not. She has....swum with sharks!