ESERCIZIO NUM: 2720 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > natale - DIFFICOLTA':
Osserva l'immagine NATALIZIA e rispondi alle domande:
It is a beautiful, moonlit night. It is Christmas Eve and Santa Claus is visiting the house. He is carrying his sack and he has got lots of presents for the family. His reindeer are waiting for him in front of the house. Everyone is excited.
A) How many rooms are there in the house? / B) How many bedrooms are there? / C) Which room is Mum in? / D) What is Mum doing? / E) Dad is wearing a blue jumper. Where is he? / F) What is Dad doing? / G) Where is the cat? / H) How many Christmas stockings are there in the little girl’s bedroom? / I) Who is in the living room? / J) What is Santa Claus doing?