ESERCIZIO NUM: 2714 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > natale - DIFFICOLTA': **

Leggi il brano su NATALE e poi completa le frasi scegliendo fra le tre risposte elencate:

December is always a very busy time for Father Christmas Senior. He does a lot of things. He opens and reads many letters. He writes long lists of toys and children's names. He buys lots of presents for the children and wraps them. He puts them on the sleigh and takes them to the children. Father Christmas Senior cannot do this all alone. He has many helpers. They help him to read and write letters, to buy and wrap presents. They put them on the sleigh and take them to houses all around the world.
This year Father Christmas Senior is really happy with his helpers, but he looks unhappy when he thinks of Father Christmas Junior. He doesn't help with the letters. And he doesn't help with the presents. "Why don't you help me? Why are you so lazy?" Father Christmas Senior asks. "I'm sorry, but I can't." Father Christmas Junior says to Father Christmas Senior. "I'm writing new computer games." Now Father Christmas Senior looks very unhappy. He shakes his head and goes back to wrap some more parcels.
1. Father Christmas Senior works much... - in November.- in January.- in December. / 2. He...many letters.- reads- writes- sends / 3. He buys lots of...- food- presents- books / 4. He has got a...- car- bus- sleigh / 5. He does the work...- alone.- with his helpers.- with his children. / 6. The presents are... - for the animals.- for the children.- for his helpers.