ESERCIZIO NUM: 2709 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > natale - DIFFICOLTA':
Completa le seguenti frasi di argomento NATALIZIO con il termine corretto scegliendolo fra quelli proposti 02:
10. A building that is used for Christian religious services is called a... / 11. The birth of Jesus is celebrated on... / 12. A turkey is a large American bird... / 13. A greeting is often written on a... / 14. A barn is a building on a farm used for... / 15. An open box used for food for farm animals is called a... / 16. An object in space that looks like points of light in the night sky is called... / 17. An ornament is a small, fancy thing that is put on something else to make it more... / 18. Any one of the first four books of the Christian Bible that tell the life of Jesus Christ is called the...
Rudolph, reindeer, a pixie, church, attractive, a bauble, middle is called a candle, Santa Claus, a present, manger, storing grain, Christmas tree, a star, December 25th , metal strips, Gospel, eaten at Christmas, Christmas card