ESERCIZIO NUM: 2696 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > halloween - DIFFICOLTA': **

Leggi cosa dice ogni strega di HALLOWEEN riguardo a se stessa e poi collega ogni definizione ad ogni strega:

Hello! My name is Elvira. My dress is yellow-green and I have black hair, which I wear in a ponytail. My wish is for everybody to be kind to each other. I am letter....
Hi there! My name is Monique. I have curly brown hair and my dress is purple. I am holding my magic toad. My wish is for more green spaces: I would like trees, parks, flowers and plants everywhere!
Yoo hoo! I am called Claudia. My hair is long and silver. I have a red and grey dress. I have a yellow band around my hat. My wish is for everybody to be happy.
Hi, how are you? I am the great witch Mandolina! I have long blond hair. One side of my dress is green and the other side is red. My dress is sleeveless. My wish is for everyone to be kind to animals. I love all animals, especially cats.
So, that leaves me! I hope you are well. My name is Zinglezara. I am wearing a necklace. The top of my dress is orange. I have dark, curly hair. My wish is for everybody to be honest. Honesty is always the best policy, folks!

esercizio numero 2696