ESERCIZIO NUM: 2524 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-perfect - DIFFICOLTA': ****
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Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo che trovi tra parentesi al PRESENT PERFECT(04):

I... in a restaurant before. (never/to work) / ...the school bus? (Robin/to miss/ever) / They... each other... a long time now. (to know/for) / ...your hair = (you/to dye/yet) / She... to India twice. (to be) / My parents... me a lot... I lost my job. (to help/since) / He... his teeth... . (not/to brush/yet) / We... the apple tree. (already/to plant) / Tom... a lot... I last saw him. (to grow up/since) / Ken and Fred... to go to the party... . (not/to decide/yet)