ESERCIZIO NUM: 235 - CATEGORIA: grammatica > pronomi-indefiniti - DIFFICOLTA':
Inserisci il corretto PRONOME INDEFINITO nelle seguenti frasi:
1. __ likes being sick. / 2. __ of my family members live in California. / 3. She saw __ who looked just liked her mom. / 4. I was wondering if you had __ ideas for the new store / 1. I cannot believe I ate __ of the pizza. / 2. __ student needs to bring one box of tissues to donate. / 3. Did you find __ of the answers to the homework? / 4. I was only able to find __ of them / 1. __ of my teachers have decided to go take a class this weekend. / 2. __ person can start a business in my town. / 3. I was looking for __ who would like to go to the park with me. / 4. Is there __ special you’d like to do for your birthday?