ESERCIZIO NUM: 2238 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > invalsi - DIFFICOLTA':
Osserva l'immagine e indica dove si svolgono le varie attività scegliendole fra le 4 proposte:
Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi di 5a elementare dell'anno 2019. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.
1) the students are growing vegetables in the...cafeteria, school garden, gym, playground // 2) Mark is doing sports in the...gym, cafeteria, playground, library // 3) Samuel is having lunch in the...library, cafeteria, playground, school garden // 4) Olivia is painting in the... art room, school garden, playground, miss Fay's room // 5) The children are playing in garden, gym, cafeteria, playground // 6) Annabel is practising her violin in room, music room, school garden, playground // 7) Sophie is reading in the...library, music room, playground, cafeteria