ESERCIZIO NUM: 2236 - CATEGORIA: comprensione > invalsi - DIFFICOLTA':
AN AMERICAN GIRL TALKS ABOUT HERSELF: My name is Rachel and I am from the United States. I live in a small town in Nebraska. There are only 7000 people in my town. In my high school, a lot of the students play sports. I play American football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and baseball. We study many different subjects. We study English, math, science, history, and a foreign language. Usually we study Spanish. Sometimes we go to parties with friends. It is a lot of fun. I like living in Nebraska.
Esercizio tratto dalla Prova Invalsi ufficiale di 5a elementare dell'anno 2018. Clicca qui per svolgere l'intera prova.
Scegli la risposta corretta fra le 4 proposte: // She is from...Rachel, Spain, United States, Nebraska // Number of people in Rachel's home town...a lot of, small town, 7000, 5000 // Rachel's sports...American football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and baseball OR American football, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and baseball OR American football, swim, basketball, volleyball, and baseball OR American football, soccer, basketball, ski, and baseball // What Rachel does with her friends... she goes to party, he goes to parties, she goes to parties, she go to parties