ESERCIZIO NUM: 2224 - CATEGORIA: verbi > past-simple - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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QUIZ sul suffisso -ED, scegli la risposta giusta fra le tre proposte:

1 Which verb does not take '-ed' in the past tense? A=take B=look C=walk / 2 Which verb does not take '-ed' in the past tense? A=smile B=let C=bathe / 3 I feel frightened. A=The sentence is not in the past tense. B=The sentence is in the past tense. C=The sentence has no tense / 4 I feel frightened. A='Frightened' is an adjective. B='Frightened' is a verb. C='Frightened' is a noun. / 5 You will be looked after by the nurses. A=The sentence is a passive form. B=The sentence is in the past tense. C=The sentence has no verb. / 6 We have succeeded in defeating Lord Vader. A=The grammar is flawed. B=The sentence is in the present perfect tense. C=The sentence is in the past tense. / 7 Long ago, we decided you would become a Jedi. A=The sentence is incorrect. B=This is a passive sentence. C=The sentence is in the past tense. / 8 Which sentence is correct? A=It was decided that you would be given a chance. B=We decided to give you a chance. C=A and B / 9 Which word can be used as an adjective? A=talked B=smiled C=annoyed / 10 Which word cannot be used as an adjective? A=surprised B=lifted C=refreshed