ESERCIZIO NUM: 2222 - CATEGORIA: verbi > can-must to-have - DIFFICOLTA':
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DON'T HAVE TO oppure MUST? Scegli il verbo giusto per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 You ___ do it if you don't want to. A=don't have to B=doesn't have to C=must not / 2 If it's against the law, you ___ do it. A=must not B=doesn't have to C=don't have to / 3 You need to attend the course, but your partner ___. A=don't have to B=must not C=doesn't have to / 4 You ___ talk during the concert. A=doesn't have to B=don't have to C=must not / 5 You ___ give your email address to register for the service. A=doesn't have to B=must not C=don't have to / 6 I know that you are shy, so you ___ sing. A=don't have to B=doesn't have to C=must not / 7 Mike ___ get his car repaired after all. A=must not B=doesn't have to C=don't have to / 8 You ___ serve beef to a Hindu. A=must not B=doesn't have to C=don't have to / 9 He was adamant that this trend ___ continue. A=don't have to B=must not C=doesn't have to / 10 Junior is happy because he ___ go to school today. A=must not B=doesn't have to C=don't have to