Scegli la parola giusta di ambito ECOLOGIA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):
11 Some food is designed in a laboratory. It is ____. A=genetically modified B=molecular C=reverse engineered / 12 Food which is grown naturally is ___. A=organic B=manky C=soily / 13 Using less of the world's resources is called ___. A=conversion B=conservation C=conversation / 14 There are too many people in the world. This problem is known as ___. A=civilisation B=overpopulation C=underpopulation / 15 When there is less and less of a kind of animal, this animal is an ___. A=enamoured species B=encamped beast C=endangered species / 16 When all of a species have died, the species is ___. A=extract B=extreme C=extinct / 17 An example of an endangered species is the ___. A=panda B=dinosaur C=rodent / 18 An example of a harmful gas in our environment is ___. A=helium B=carbon monoxide C=oxygen / 19 If the ___ in the Arctic and Antarctic melt, the sea level will rise. A=glaciers B=ice cubes C=galaxies / 20 One example of an alternative energy source is ___. A=petrol B=flower power C=solar power