ESERCIZIO NUM: 2201 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > cibo - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PAROLE STRANIERE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):

1 Where do young kids go to school? A=chindergarten B=kindergarden C=kindergarten / 2 An afternoon movie is a ___. A=matinee B=movette C=featurette / 3 The best of the best are the ___. A=elysees B=perlite C=elite / 4 If someone sneezes, you may say ___. A=gozaimas B=gesundheit C=congratulations / 5 Which word comes from Italian? A=graffiti B=frankfurter C=origami / 6 The French word for office is ___. A=neauvou B=bureau C=chateau / 7 Which word comes from Japanese? A=errata B=yoghurt C=kamikaze / 8 Former students are __. A=aluminium B=alumni C=alumnuses / 9 Which phrase comes from French? A=coup de grace B=ad infinitum C=sombrero / 10 A mistake in a social situation is a ____. A=faux pas B=falsety C=dolce vita