ESERCIZIO NUM: 2200 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > cibo - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PAROLE STRANIERE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):

1 Let's go and sing ___. A=korake B=karoke C=karaoke / 2 If you have good __, you will have good fortune. A=karma B=barma C=wilma / 3 Many people practise the Korean art of ____. A=Tae Kwon Do B=Tae Jitsu C=Kung Fu Do / 4 Our ___ is scheduled for 2 p.m. A=bureau B=rendezvous C=reportage / 5 My computer is broken. It's totally ___. A=munga B=bunga C=kaput / 6 Let's have __ for dinner tonight. A=sushi B=sashi C=susha / 7 Get me the report __. A=prontus B=tonto C=pronto / 8 Let's eat some ___. A=escrengo B=estango C=escargot / 9 Suzie got drunk on too much __. A=vadkof B=visky C=vodka / 10 etc. is short for ___. A=earned token counter B=et tous carine C=etcetera