ESERCIZIO NUM: 2196 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > cibo - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito CIBO-ALIMENTI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(02):

1 ___ is a little bit like butter. A=Margarine B=Planta C=Margaret / 2 Some people like ___ eggs for breakfast. A=roast B=steamed C=fried / 3 Meat and salad rolled up in pita bread is a ___. A=sausage roll B=kebab C=Mexican sandwich / 4 A kind of French bread is a ___. A=baked bun B=croissant C=currant / 5 Another kind of French bread is a ___. A=baguette B=bagloaf C=baggie / 6 A kind of coffee with hot milk is a ___. A=slatee B=latte C=late coffee / 7 Which is NOT a kind of tea? A=Earl Grey B=Darjeeling C=Mocha / 8 Americans eat ___ on Thanksgiving. A=turkey B=duck C=chicken / 9 In India, people love to eat ___. A=kari B=currants C=curry / 10 Germany is famous for its ___. A=milk B=sausages C=pancakes