ESERCIZIO NUM: 2176 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito BORSA e FINANZA per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 If the stock market is bad, we call it a __ market. A=bear B=bull C=lion / 2 If the stock market is good, we call it a __ market. A=bull B=bear C=lion / 3 When a company has lost money, it is in the ___. A=black B=gold C=red / 4 When a company has gained money, it is in the ___. A=red B=gold C=black / 5 The amount of money available for a year is called the ___. A=accountancy B=stock C=budget / 6 'To budget' also means ___. A=to spend less B=to make more money C=to plan your finances / 7 A budget holiday means a __ holiday. A=expensive B=faraway C=cheap / 8 To spend the same or less than you have is to ____ your budget. A=undercut B=throw C=balance / 9 A very cheap price is called a ____. A=cashback option B=budget C=bargain / 10 The world's most famous financial district is ____ in New York. A=Broadway B=Wall Street C=Hollywood