ESERCIZIO NUM: 2172 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FORME GEOMETRICHE per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:

1 An object with three sides is a __. A=square B=triangle C=root / 2 A 3-D square is called a __. A=cube B=cubic C=scube / 3 A 3-D circle is called a ___. A=cylinder B=rounder C=sphere / 4 A sphere cut in half is called a ___. A=hemisphere B=demisphere C=manosphere / 5 A rocket is shaped like a ___. A=cylindrical B=sidewinder C=cylinder / 6 A shape with five sides is a ___. A=prolygon B=pentagon C=mexagon / 7 A shape with six sides is a ___. A=hexangle B=hextogram C=hexagon / 8 A shape with four (unequal) sides is a ___. A=polyangle B=rectangle C=roxangle / 9 Sometimes we measure the width and ___. A=longth B=long C=length / 10 A circle that is stretched is an ___. A=elliptical B=ellipse C=ellapse