ESERCIZIO NUM: 2163 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito DELINQUENZA e CRIMINALITA' per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):

C=crimefighter / 2 A slang word for a criminal is _ A=crink B=crock C=crook / 3 When a criminal is given a punishment, we say he is __ A=phrased B=sentenced C=worded / 4 A group of criminals is a __ A=bunch B=gang C=team / 5 If you steal something, that is ___. A=theft B=rob C=take / 6 Another word for theft is ___. A=stealery B=robbery C=robber / 7 A person who steals a wallet or purse from your pocket is a ___. A=pocketer B=pocket picker C=pick pocket / 8 A person who steals from a house is a ___. A=hamburglar B=burglar C=burger / 9 A person who enters a country with illegal items is a ___. A=smuggler B=black market C=strider / 10 If you cheat someone out of money, that is ___. A=false B=fraud C=moneycheating