PAROLE CONFUSE, scegli la parola giusta fra le due molto molto simili per completare le seguenti frasi(21):
1 We used a crane to ___ the cement blocks. A=rise B=raise C=rose / 2 Everyone attended the conference ___ Jenny. A=exceed B=except C=accept / 3 Can you ___ me your car for a few days? A=loaned B=borrow C=lend / 4 I'm not sure how this will ___ our budget. A=refect B=affect C=effect / 5 Susan is desperately seeking some good ___. A=advize B=advice C=advise / 6 Thomas Edison ___ the light bulb. A=discovered B=invented C=entwined / 7 I feel so ___ today. A=bored B=boresome C=boring / 8 Have I told you ___ that I love you? A=lately B=later C=late / 9 There is no ____ between the two objects. A=difference B=differ C=different / 10 Could you get me some ____ from the store? A=stations B=stationery C=stationary