ESERCIZIO NUM: 2141 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > colori - DIFFICOLTA': ****

Modi di dire sui COLORI, scegli la risposta fra le tre proposte, per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):

1 When you feel sad, you feel __. A=pink B=blue C=red / 2 To catch someone in the middle of a crime is to catch them __-handed. A=blue B=pink C=red / 3 Communists are sometimes called __. A=yellows B=blues C=reds / 4 Someone who cares for the environment is ___. A=blue B=black C=green / 5 A very sad day is a __ day. A=black B=green C=white / 6 A lie told for a good reason is a ___ lie. A=blue B=white C=black / 7 If a company loses money, it is in the __. A=blue B=red C=black / 8 Illegal goods are sold on the ___market. A=blue B=red C=black / 9 Someone who is inexperienced is ___. A=red B=green C=blue / 10 To ban someone is to ___ them. A=greenlist B=whitelist C=blacklist / 11 A __ collar worker works in an office. A=blue B=red C=white / 12 A __ collar worker works in a factory. A=white B=red C=blue