ESERCIZIO NUM: 2134 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito LAVORO-AFFARI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1 To start a speech, you say ____. A=Gentlemens and ladies... B=Lady and gentlemen... C=Ladies and gentlemen... / 2 A note sent to someone in your office is a _. A=letter B=memo C=omen / 3 Your job title is known as your ___. A=design B=designation C=designer / 4 To pass work on to another person is to ___. A=remark B=empower C=delegate / 5 An office person is an ____. A=executive B=execute C=execution / 6 To get a job, you need to apply with your ___. A=resume B=boss C=memo / 7 The person controlling a meeting is the ___. A=chairperson B=cheerleader C=tealady / 8 When someone loses their job, they are ___. A=fired B=flashed C=flushed / 9 Office culture is sometimes called ___ culture. A=empowerment B=corporate C=executive / 10 People meet at a ___ to discuss topics related to their job. A=negotiation B=confidence C=conference