ESERCIZIO NUM: 2117 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > animali - DIFFICOLTA':
Modi di dire sugli ANIMALI, scegli la risposta fra le tre proposte, per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi(01):
1 A greedy person eats like a ___. A=dog B=pig C=donkey / 2 It's a __ life! (It's a tough life.) A=rabbit's B=dog's C=donkey's / 3 It's raining ____. A=frogs B=cats and frogs C=cats and dogs / 4 He's as slippery as an __. A=ox B=frog C=eel / 5 He's as stubborn as an ___ A=rabbit B=ox C=bear / 6 When the stock market goes up, it's a __ market. A=bull B=bear C=caterpillar / 7 If someone is cheating, we call that '___'. A=monkey business B=doggie business C=fox business / 8 A big hug is called a ___ hug. A=bear B=dog C=moose / 9 To repeat someone's words is to ___ them. A=birdie B=slug C=parrot / 10 Being silly is called ___ around. A=catting B=sheeping C=horsing