ESERCIZIO NUM: 2072 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito EVENTI STORICI per completare correttamente le seguenti frasi:
1. The murder of someone, usually an important politician, president or ruler for political reasons is called ___ / 2. The event which causes a huge loss of life especially due to burning is called a ___ / 3. If lots of people fight against a government or refuse to follow the existing authority, it's called a ___ / 4. If the above was successful and the government was caused to fall, it would have been ___ / 5. If something or place is found for the first time it is called a ___ / 6. If something is thought-up or created for the first time it is an ___ / 7. The event whereby the heir or heiress to the throne is crowned is called a ___ / 8. To lose in a battle is to suffer a ___ / 9. The merciless mass killing of defenseless people is an event known as a ___ / 10. What two part word describes events such as typhoons, floods, droughts and earthquakes?