ESERCIZIO NUM: 2054 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > cibo - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FRUTTA per rispondere correttamente alle seguenti domande:
1. What fruit gave Sir Isaac Newton a headache and is famous in the stories of Adam and Eve? / 2. What fruit was traditionally stepped on by foot to make wine? / 3. What fruit is needed to make a 'Pina Colada' cocktail? / 4. What fruit comes in 'bunches' and has an easy to peel yellow skin? / 5. What fruit is 'Seville' famous and is used to make marmalade? / 6. What fruit would have grown on the tree that the young George Washington chopped down? / 7. What fruit are 'water', 'cantaloupe', and 'honeydew' all types of? / 8. What fruit are women likened to if they have an excess of body fat around the hips and bottom? / 9. What fruit when dried becomes a prune? / 10. What fruit is used to make jam and is served with a shortcake base in the U.S.?