ESERCIZIO NUM: 2022 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > giochi - DIFFICOLTA':
VOCABULARY QUIZ, rispondi alle domande con questo aiuto: le risposte sono tutte PAROLE che iniziano con la lettera O.
1. The shellfish from which we get pearls is called an ___ / 2. A thick liquid that come from the ground called 'Black Gold' is more commonly know as ___ / 3. The adjective which means of the mouth is ___ / 4. The numbers 1,3,5,7,and 9 aren't even. They are ___ / 5. Which sea-living animal has eight legs and squirts ink when it is frightened? / 6. What vegetable often makes your eyes water or cry when you cut it? / 7. Another word for chance is ___ / 8. This word means the same as to work at or run a machine. / 9. If something is done one time it is done ___ / 10. When something belongs to you, you are its ___