ESERCIZIO NUM: 2001 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito PROBLEMATICHE MONDIALI per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 ___ describes the way countries are more dependent on each other. A=Globalisation B=Globalist C=Global / 2 Many governments promote ___, where the leader is chosen through voting. A=democracy B=memocracy C=hypocrisy / 3 A leader who does not allow democracy is a ___. A=firebrand B=rampant C=dictator / 4 ___ describes the way the economy depends on how much we spend. A=Labelling B=Consumer culture C=Brand consciousness / 5 If something is described as ___, it has a strong cultural influence. A=affnic B=jaffnic C=ethnic / 6 Many people are poor. They live in ___. A=coventry B=poverty C=servility / 7 Many countries have to control ___, the movement of people to live in other Countries. A=exodus B=immigration C=emergence / 8 A modern problem is how to protect the ___, or nature. A=environment B=ambience C=stratosphere / 9 A poor country that is getting wealthier is a ___ country. A=developed B=fourth world C=developing / 10 Another modern problem is ____. For example, when people hijack or bomb Airplanes. A=terrorism B=fearism C=horrorism