Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MILITARE per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Another word for war, or a battle is ___. A=brawl B=scrap C=conflict / 2 A soldier who can shoot accurately over a long distance is a ___. A=sniper B=snipper C=snawper / 3 A ship that planes can land on is called a ___. A=carrier B=naval C=planeboat / 4 A bomb that people step on is a __. A=footmine B=landmine C=landbomb / 5 A length of time in a foreign land is called a ___. A=tour of action B=tour of battle C=tour of duty / 6 In the military, your position is your ___. A=rank B=design C=major / 7 A soldier who has been in a war is a ___. A=veteral B=veterinarian C=veteran / 8 The most highly-trained soldiers are the ___. A=special forces B=infantry C=officers / 9 An enemy soldier who is caught is a ___. A=prisoner B=meathook C=caption / 10 You show respect to an officer with a ___. A=salute B=salut C=salad