ESERCIZIO NUM: 1967 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito MEDICO per completare correttamente le frasi(02):

13 So far, there is no __ for Cancer. A=symptom B=solution C=cure / 14 Doctors study __ at university. A=Medic B=Medical C=Medicine / 15 This man needs __ attention! A=medical B=medicine C=medic / 16 A sign or indication of a medical problem is called a __. A=symptom B=cure C=vaccine / 17 My leg is painful. It is __. A=sore B=soreful C=soring / 18 'ache' is another word for pain. But which of the following words is NOT correct? A=handache B=headache C=backache / 19 When you lose blood from your body, this is called __. A=bleeding B=blooding / 20 The medics carried him away on a __. A=bed B=cast C=stretcher / 21 You can die from a heart __. A=surge B=death C=attack / 22 I hate needles. That 's why I don't like getting an __. A=injection B=injury C=inquiry / 23 This __ will protect you from Chicken Pox. A=injury B=vaccine C=cure / 24 He survived the accident and he is now __ in hospital. A=recuperating B=living C=waiting / 25 The doctor listens to your heart using his __. A=x-ray B=stethoscope C=microscope