ESERCIZIO NUM: 1954 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito FILM FAMOSI per completare correttamente le frasi(01):
1 Dracula is a ___ movie. A=horrible B=horror C=drama / 2 Titanic is a ___ film. A=romantic B=romance C=love / 3 Finding Nemo is a ___. A=comic B=cartoon C=carton / 4 The Hulk is an ___ movie. A=active B=action C=actional / 5 Jim Carrey stars in many ___. A=comedies B=comics C=funnies / 6 Gone With The Wind is a ___ movie. A=old-fashioned B=classic C=ancient / 7 Japanese cartoons are called ___. A=anime B=janime C=mations / 8 A serious movie is a ___. A=dramatic B=drummer C=drama / 9 An exciting movie is a ___. A=thrill B=thriller C=action / 10 A movie where a murder is solved is a ___. A=mystery B=slasher C=killer