ESERCIZIO NUM: 1885 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA': *****

Scegli la parola giusta di ambito POLITICA per completare correttamente le frasi(02):

1 A person who works within the field of politics is a __. A=poliman B=politic C=politician / 2 The people choose their leaders in ___. A=a votemain B=a rigging C=an election / 3 In an election, you __ for the leader you want. A=ballot B=vote C=send / 4 A political group is called a ___. A=vote B=party C=mandate / 5 Elections are held in a ___. A=democracy B=dictatorship C=monarchy / 6 A high-level political meeting between two leaders is a ___. A=agenda B=summit C=peak / 7 The 'EU' is the ___. A=English Union B=European Unistead C=European Union / 8 The system called ___ is said to favor workers and the poor. A=capitalism B=socialism C=multilingualism / 9 An ordinary person who takes part in politics is ___. A=a minister B=an activist C=a monk / 10 The President holds a ___ to get re-elected. A=career B=socialism C=campaign