ESERCIZIO NUM: 1871 - CATEGORIA: verbi > present-perfect - DIFFICOLTA': *****
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PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: scegli il verbo giusto per completare queste frasi correttamente.

1 He is out of breath because he has been __. A=running B=ran C=run / 2 I'm not hungry. I've been ___ all day. A=eating B=ate C=eaten / 3 I have been __ all night but I'm still not done. A=work B=working C=worked / 4 She has __ playing computer games for three hours. A=be B=being C=been / 5 Norman has ___ walking his dog. A=being B=been C=be / 6 What ___ you been doing recently? A=had B=have C=has / 7 Sheila __ been looking around the shopping mall. A=have B=had C=has / 8 Ben and Jerry __ been making ice cream together for many years. A=had B=have C=has / 9 Everyone ___ talking about the new kid in town. A=had being B=has been C=have been / 10 Customers have ____ up to take advantage of the sale. A=being lined B=been lining C=been lined