ESERCIZIO NUM: 1864 - CATEGORIA: vocaboli > misti - DIFFICOLTA':
Scegli la parola giusta di ambito SCIENTIFICO per completare correttamente le frasi:
1 Science experiments are performed in a ____. A=labby B=laboratory C=labix / 2 In Biology class, we had to ___ a frog! A=chop B=dissect C=cut up / 3 A person who uses science is a __. A=scienceman B=sciencer C=scientist / 4 A good scientist has ___ reasoning. A=logical B=illogical C=mesmeric / 5 Scientists are searching for a ___ to AIDS. A=cure B=curie C=medicine / 6 There is less __ on the moon. A=graveyards B=velocity C=gravity / 7 Many scientists do ___. A=research B=discover C=invent / 8 Thomas Edison ___ many things, including the light bulb. A=made up B=discovered C=invented / 9 A person who goes into space is called an ___. A=astronaut B=alien C=stargazer / 10 ___ contains our genetic codes. A=DNA B=IMF C=MIB